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Mobile Games Enterprises Database

Global count of mobile games distribution portals among highlights of research report.

A global count of D2C Mobile Games Portals is a new feature of the third and latest version of the Mobile Games Enterprises Database - just launched by UK based the Multimedia Research Consultancy (TMRC).

MD Vic Whiting explained why: "We have found there has been increasing interest in D2C Portals from our customers. It is not surprising - looking at the industry over the last few years we have identified the growth of the D2C Mobile Games Mega-Portal. We are now seeing some enterprises running worldwide mobile games/content portals aimed at 40 or more countries. A handful, such as Buongiorno, LaNetro Zed, News Corp (Jamba!/Jamster) and MediaPlazza have been steadily building out their portal portfolios, and in doing so are reaching into the farthest corners of the world.

At the same time the leading handset manufacturers – Nokia (N-Gage), Samsung (FUN Club) and LG Mobile – are also operating a raft of country specific D2C Portals offering Mobile Games content"

The database shows that although there are over 600 country specific, mobile games D2C portals worldwide, just over half of these are controlled by only 10 enterprises.

TMRC's Mobile Games Enterprises Database of Developers, Aggregator-Distributors, Publishers and Portals has been updated, to August 2008, with the latest changes in ownership, trading status, personnel, specialisms and new market entrants. It now lists 2,368 named executives and 2,003 offices/studios in 95 countries operated by 1,470 Mobile Games Enterprises.

The full database or extracts are now available from the Multimedia Research Consultancy. Full details can be found at:

TMRC Contact Details:-

Contacts Victor Whiting

(Managing Director) Peter Kidman

(Research Director)

Tel. +44 (0) 1322 557365 +44 (0) 20 8292 6367

Fax +44 (0) 1322 559347

Mobile +44 (0) 7973 728075 +44 (0) 775 1560 883


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