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Mobile Distillery signs two year production deal

Exkee join growing list of Celsius software users

Developer Mobile Distillery has signed a deal with Exkee to base their entire development production pipeline on the Celsius solution over the next two years.

Celsius software is used to port Java games to more than 450 different mobile European, US and Canadian handsets.

"Developing with Celsius helps us to reduce our schedules dramatically and brings down the cost of mobile game development and porting," said Ton Doublet, CEO of Exkee.

The deal follows Mobile Distillery's recent signings with Lexis Mobile, Anxa/Playphone, IP4U and Corporation Visiware.

"For us as a developer, using Celsius is fully transparent," said Denis Rafin, lead developer at Exkee.

"It enables us to focus on game development and move away from tedious porting issues," he added.

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