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Mini Army

Tiny battles coming to Android this Friday.

OrangePixel will be drafting people for it’s “Mini Army” android division this Friday 1st of October 2010.

The Mini Army is looking for platoon commanders! You will be tasked with deploying your units in various environments, and guiding them on missions to take out the enemy soldiers, tanks, helicopters and more. Make sure to avoid dangerous terrains and avoid walking into highly dangerous mine fields!

Controlling your unit is as easy as making a snake eat apples, but surviving the various missions is a hard task for even the most seasoned commanders.

Great commanders will be able to fight battles in different environments like the hot sandy desert, or the cold and icy winter forests.

This coming Friday, Mini Army sign-ups will be open on Android Market at a discount rate of €1.00 ! This discount rate for early draftees will end on October 14th, so be there early !

More details about the Mini Army can be found at :

All interested draftees should watch our promo video and join the army this coming Friday!

About OrangePixel

OrangePixel was founded in 2004, and has been developing and designing game concepts for the mobile market. A strong focus on original ideas and mobile game concepts is quickly setting OrangePixel aside from the large market of rehashed ideas and branded content. With OneThumb game concepts like Rocketboy, Toddlers, Sliderkids, and new ideas like the critically acclaimed Mechanics; OrangePixel has the balls to be creative. For more information about OrangePixel, please visit or follow us on Twitter.

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