Metal Gear Solid coming to Xbox 360
Metal Gear Solid Rising currently in development for Microsoft platform
Hideo Kojima has made a guest appearance at this year's Microsoft E3 press conference to announce that the next instalment in the Metal Gear Solid franchise - badged Metal Gear Solid Rising - will feature on the Xbox 360.
It will be the first MGS title to make its way to the Microsoft console, and the announcement was greeted by loud cheers from the conference audience.
"We are honoured to welcome the MGS franchise onto Xbox 360," said Interactive Entertainment VP Don Mattrick. "We can't wait to see what's next for Solid Snake-"
However - Kojima-san interrupted at that point, stating: "I didn't say anything about Solid Snake..."
A brief trailer followed, ending with the game's new protagonist - Raiden.
"It is a completely new Metal Gear experience, and you can look forward to many great things," added Kojima, before Mattrick ended: "We can finally say that our platform is complete."
There was no time scale given for the game's release, but development for the 360 version is underway now.