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Legion Arena Characters Animations

Warrior Spirit!

Varese, 8th September 2005. Legion Arena and its ancient warriors are finally here! The characters animations of the game will be available from today and the next week.

Take a first glance at Romans in action with the General and the Legionary!

The words of a roman warrior gamer introduce you to the true spirit of the epic battle...

"What do you believe was your biggest triumph as a Roman legionary?

Although it was only for a few days, they were tough days. We were stripped of our modern day creature comforts and had to live, eat and sleep as a Roman legionary. It was March so cold; our clothing was thin and uncomfortable -- it offered very little warmth. The accommodation was un-inviting and the training was challenging. My triumph over the first few days were being able to pull through without giving up. Being able to smile at the end of it all and thank Shine for the experience. My biggest triumph had to be the route march. The equipment was heavy. I was given the heaviest marching pack. When I first put it across my shoulders it nearly killed me with its sheer weight. The shoes were extremely uncomfortable. We marched for several hours and they were tough hours."

Legion Arena brings the same experience on your pc!

See you the next week with the Celtic warriors...

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