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Lars Koschin appointment

Frogster America's new CEO.

Berlin, 13.05.2009: Frogster America, Inc. today announced that it has named MMO industry veteran, Lars Koschin, as the company’s next CEO to take the company through its rapid growth stage following the successful launch of Runes of Magic. The company has also opened an office in Emeryville, California to handle additional operations, community management and customer service activities to expand their reach in North America.

“Lars brings deep and valuable experience to the role of CEO and we’re confident he and his team will continue the early success we’ve seen in North America,” said Christoph Gerlinger, Chairman of Frogster America Inc. and CEO of its Berlin based listed parent company Frogster Interactive Pictures AG. “We would also like to thank our start-up team for their contributions in getting us through our initial launch stage and state that our founding CEO, Sean Kauppinen, will continue to provide marketing strategy, business development and communications support going forward as we had always planned.”

Koschin joins the company from GameForge, where he served as CEO of the company’s North American operations. Earlier in his career he founded Gamigo, one of the first online game publishers in Europe and has served as CTO and in other leadership positions with Curse, Inc., Uni-X Software, Deltacity.NET and other technology focused enterprises.

“The team has worked diligently to build a base for success and my goal is to accelerate the company and enable it to achieve a massive user base in North America as we maximize the value of international online gaming properties in this market,” said Lars Koschin, CEO of Frogster America Inc. “With a company that is already profitable, and a number of potential titles that could be our second tent pole in the market, we’re moving forward with our strategy to be a major publisher and operator of online games worldwide.”

The company is currently looking to fill game master, graphic design, marketing, business development, system administration and customer service and support positions.

About Frogster Interactive Pictures AG

The Frogster group is a Berlin-based listed publisher of online games. Frogster focuses on the marketing and operation of virtual worlds, so-called massively multiplayer online games (MMO Games). This is one of the strongest growing sectors in the entertainment industry. The Berlin-based Frogster Online Gaming GmbH which has arisen from the merger of OnlineWelten, the German MMO Games and gaming network with the widest range, and Yusho, operator and service provider for virtual worlds on own hardware infrastructure, proprietary billing systems for subscriptions and virtual items, markets and operates MMO Games in Europe (Frogster share 71%). Frogster Asia Co., Ltd. based in Seoul, Korea, develops MMO Games and is planning the launch of the marketing and operation of virtual worlds in Asia for 2009 (stake 60%). Frogster America Inc. based in San Francisco, USA, markets and operates MMO Games in North America in 2009 (stake 90%). Amongst other titles the Frogster group owns several very promising MMO Game licences with ‘The Chronicles of Spellborn’ and ‘Runes of Magic’. Currently the group employs more than 100 staff members. In 2008, Frogster was awarded as “Landmark in the Land of Ideas”, a competition under the patronage of the German President Dr. Horst Köhler. Internet:

About Frogster America, Inc.

Frogster America, Inc., was founded in 2008 to bring high-quality online games to the North American market. As a wholly owned subsidiary of the Frogster Interactive Pictures AG, a Berlin based listed publisher of online computer games, Frogster America is located in San Francisco, and focused on the operation and marketing of MMO games that appeal to a global audience. With Runes of Magic, released on March 19, 2009, the company is well positioned for success with a rapidly growing community and strong initial title on which to establish its market presence. For more information, please visit:

Contact Frogster Interactive Pictures AG

Axel Schmidt

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Contact Frogster America Inc.

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