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Kotaku, Washington Post, and Vice alum form Aftermath

Founders Nathan Grayson, Gita Jackson, Riley MacLeod, and Luke Plunkett launch new independent publication

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Former Kotaku, Vice, and The Washington Post journalists have launched Aftermath.

Aftermath is an independent, subscription-based site and podcast covering internet culture and video game news.

The publication was founded by career journalists Gita Jackson, Riley MacLeod, Nathan Grayson, and Luke Plunkett. It intends to focus on breaking news, criticism, and analysis.

Aftermath also aims to focus on labor matters across video games, streaming, board games, and journalism—which its founders were also affected by.

"We're inspired by the wave of worker-owned websites such as Hell Gate, Defector, Remap Radio, Discourse Blog, and 404 Media," Gita Jackson says.

"Aftermath not only aims to put control back in the hands of the workers and put the focus back on serving readers but also hold the volatile games and tech industries to account."

Regarding games media layoffs, staffers from The Escapist resigned following the termination of editor-in-chief Nick Calandra on Monday.

Check out's July feature on why games media layoffs keep happening.

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Jeffrey Rousseau avatar
Jeffrey Rousseau: Jeffrey joined in March 2021. Based in Florida, his work focused on the intersectionality of games and media. He enjoys reading, podcasts, staying informed, and learning how people are tackling issues.
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