Skip to main content Expands With Facebook Application.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: one of the largest videogame trading networks on the internet has announced today the expansion of their service to include a Facebook application. The iTradeVideoGames Facebook application operates inside your existing Facebook webpage allowing you to trade videogames across the iTradeVideoGames network with other users who have also signed up to use the application. But that's not all, the iTradeVideoGames application also allows you to view the latest gaming news, previews and game reviews for all gaming platforms as well as watch videogame trailers while never leaving your Facebook webpage!

ItradeVideogames Facebook Application Features:

- Trade videogames of all platform types with other gamers

- Internal messaging system between users

- At-A-Glance view of your videogame collection as well as the collections of other users

- Buddy list

- Internal game portfolio, with real time retail market pricing for each game

- Most available and requested RSS feeds

- Internal rating system for traders

- Feedback messaging system

- At-a-glance account status (iBucks and iTrades)

- Game condition rating

- Trading history

- Request list that informs you when a requested game gets listed

- Pending trades listing (shows games on route to you)

- View the latest gaming news, previews and game reviews

- Watch the latest videogame trailers

If you are already a member of Facebook getting the iTradeVideoGames application is simple. Go to and click on the button to accept the application. Then set up your account with the relevant information and that's it, you are now ready to start trading videogames with gamers just like you!

About iTradeVideoGames

For more information on iTradeVideogames visit or visit the iTradeVideoGames Facebook group at

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