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Hardcore shooter market too narrow, says Rainbow Six designer

Ubisoft will likely steer clear of hardcore shooters because the market is too narrow for it to be a viable business choice said Rainbow Six Vegas 2 game designer Phil Therien

Ubisoft will likely steer clear of hardcore shooters because the market is too narrow for it to be a viable business choice said Rainbow Six Vegas 2 game designer Phil Therien.

In a LiveText Interview with our sister site Therien said they would like to be able to please both sides but "compromises have to be made."

"We have some ideas to improve on the situation though - keep in mind however that we want our games to be accessible to as many people as possible, otherwise we just couldn't keep making games."

Therien had been asked whether the company planned to reintroduce more realistic shooters such as the original Ghost Recon on current-generation hardware.

He also revealed that there won't be a demo version of Vegas 2.

"We took the decision to spend our time on polishing the game and the demo option was cut," he said.

"It's really time-consuming to create a demo and we needed the dev time to finish our game."

He also explained that four-player co-op was reduced to two-player because the single-player levels couldn't easily support four players.

Therien says that there are virtually no differences between the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions of Vegas 2 - and at the moment there are no plans for working on the Nintendo Wii.

The complete LiveText interview with Phil Therien can be read here.

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