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Greed Corp

All about The Empire, the game's mighty military power and largest faction.

AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS – November 20 2009 – Relentless, organized and maintaining balance in the world by force. They are the Empire, the unchallenged military power in Greed Corp, the innovative turn-based strategy game from W!Games releasing on PlayStation®Network, Xbox LIVE® Arcade for the Xbox 360® and PC in early 2010.

The largest of the four factions in terms of population, the Empire is a People’s Republic led by a Supreme Leader. Forging their cultural and technological advancements on the back of their military might, almost all weaponry produced in the Mistbound world is produced in Empire factories. War is their trade and they excel at it.

Constantly positioning themselves as the ultimate power in the Mistbound universe and vying for overall control of the limited land space, a tense and uneasy relationship exists between the Empire and the other three factions. Quietly and insidiously, they perpetuate a philosophy that all things are part of the Empire, slowly lulling the people and their lands into their grasp. Relentlessly they march on until that objective has been achieved.

Glory to the Empire!

To see an Empire walker unit in action, download the brand new Greed Corp trailer from

For more on Greed Corp head to

About ‘Mistbound’

A beautiful world, divided by greed...

Mistbound is the name of the original IP developed by W!Games. This rich fictional world was created as a platform for the studio's multi-format downloadable games and other media. Greed Corp is the first in a series of games situated in this universe. Inspired by the industrial revolutions of the 19th century and its subsequent destructive effects on the environment, Mistbound tells stories of a beautiful world once rich in resources and now on the brink of collapse. Automated industry has brought great material wealth, but relentless harvesting and mining has forever altered the world and its inhabitants. The last unspoiled lands are at stake in new conflicts between four factions, while the stripped and barren earth around them slowly succumbs to a thick mist that creeps ever closer...

For press inquiries and interview requests please contact:

Simon Callaghan



Tel; +44 (0)203 176 0139

Mob; +44 (0)7867 514554

About W!Games

W!Games is a multiplatform development studio located in the heart of Amsterdam dedicated to the creation of downloadable, innovative, high-end hardcore casual games. The studio’s current projects are created using the in-house multiplatform ‘Blue’ engine and are based on company owned original IP. The studio employs 40 talented and experienced developers covering all aspects of game development. Visit our website

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“PlayStation” and "PS3"are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.


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