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Google employs DeLoura as developer advocate

Industry veteran to work on gaming initiatives for Android and Chrome OS

Game technology consultant and long time industry member Mark DeLoura has been employed by Google as a developer advocate, marking the first time the company has created a position focused solely on games.

Speaking to Gamasutra, DeLoura said that he thinks the move indicates Google has realised the growing importance of games - on platforms such as Android and its Chrome operating system - as a medium.

The industry veteran, who began his new role today, has worked as a CTO-level game technology consultant for the last three years and is on the board for both the IGDA and the OneBigGame not-for-profit organisation.

Prior to that, he worked as VP of technology for publisher GreenScreen Interactive, technical director at Ubisoft San Francisco and manager of developer relations at Sony America.

"I personally feel that Google hiring someone specifically to focus on games is a signal from the company that they recognise the growing importance of games as a medium," said DeLoura. "Now how do we make it easier for developers to express themselves and share the experiences they create?"

"I'm excited to be joining Google since I am very philosophically aligned with them - my work has always been focused around making game development simpler and more accessible, and Google is incredibly developer friendly, committed to open source, and constantly striving to lower barriers to entry for developers," he added.

"They seek to build platforms by working interactively with their partners, providing a big tent so everyone can get involved.

"In this time of great disruption in the game industry, there are a huge number of opportunities for developers.

"It can be difficult for traditional games companies to navigate the new possibilities provided by mobile platforms, social networks, and alternative business models. I'm looking forward to working with both traditional games companies and new game developers to talk about how Google can help, and the platforms and projects Google is working on."

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