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Gone Home & TowerFall are IndieCade 2013 finalists

This year's IndieCade finalists have been announced

The 2013 IndieCade festival has announced its list of this year's best indie games, a list totaling 36 titles. The list of finalists include Fullbright Company's Gone Home, Matt Makes Games' Towerfall, Capybara's Super Time Force, and Cardboard Computer's Kentucky Route Zero. These finalists were chosen from over 850 submissions from developers worldwide.

"The true theme of this year's festival is growing diversity in format of games, and a growing emphasis on social play - multiplayer games, games that are played in public or in groups," explained Sam Roberts, Jury Chair and Festival Director, IndieCade "This year, the diversity and excellence of our submissions continued to grow."

In addition to 36 finalists, this year's IndieCade festival will host another 120 playable games, including Depression Quest, Mainchi, Tenya Wanya Teens, Valdis Story, and Dominque Pamplemousse.

IndieCade 2013 will take place from October 5 -6, 2013, in Culver City, California.

The full list of finalists is below:

  • [code] - Rambod Kermanizadeh & Aaron Silbering
  • 99 Tiny Games - Hide & Seek
  • Constellation - Cosmic Games
  • Cube & Star: A Love Story - Doppler Interactive
  • Deadbolt - Elizabeth Sampat
  • Dog Eat Dog - Liwanag Press
  • Edgar Rice Soirée - Copenhagen Game Collective
  • Ephemerid - SuperChop Games
  • Extrasolar - Lazy 8 Studios
  • Gone Home - The Fullbright Company
  • Gunpoint - Suspicious Developments
  • Hermit Crab in Space - Golden Ruby Games
  • Kentucky Route Zero - Cardboard Computer
  • Kulak - David Coss
  • Luxuria Superbia - Tale of Tales
  • Movers and Shakers - Singapore-MIT GAMBIT Game lab
  • Other - Quartic Llama
  • Perfect Woman - Peter Lu & Lea Schönfelder
  • Pico - Digital Dream Quartet
  • Porpentine's Twine Compilation - Porpentine
  • Quadrilateral Cowboy - Blendo Games
  • Reus - Abbey Games
  • Rogue Legacy - Cellar Door Games
  • Rollers of the Realm - Phantom Compass
  • Save the Date - Paper Dino Software
  • Simian.Interface - Vested Interest
  • Sokobond - Alan Hazelden & Harry Lee
  • Soundodger - Studio Bean
  • Spaceteam - Henry Smith
  • Spin the Bottle: Bumpie's Party - KnapNok Games & Redgrim
  • Starseed Pilgrim - Droqen & Ryan Roth
  • SUPER TIME FORCE - Capybara Games
  • That Dragon, Cancer - Josh Larson
  • TowerFall - Matt Makes Games
  • Upgrade Soul - Opertoon

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Mike Williams avatar
Mike Williams: M.H. Williams is new to the journalism game, but he's been a gamer since the NES first graced American shores. Third-person action-adventure games are his personal poison: Uncharted, Infamous, and Assassin's Creed just to name a few. If you see him around a convention, he's not hard to spot: Black guy, glasses, and a tie.
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