GNET - Classic L337
Super Meat Boy authors interviewed on weekly podcast show.
Rawson, OH- November 3rd, 2010 - Classic L337 is a weekly audio show that covers modern and retro games from the point of view of two gamers. In episode #25, Scott and Tony interviewed both Edmund McMillen & Tommy Refenes, also known as the men behind the recent hit, Super Meat Boy.
Having reached the milestone of 25 episodes, the event was marked by the interview with Team Meat, discussion about Danny Baranowsky of dB soundworks and of course, retro and modern games. Classic L337 cover the development of SMB, the details that many have missed and a special hidden easter egg in the game is revealed.
Classic L337 is a weekly audio podcast, hosted by Scott and Tony, and is aired weekly on Gamer Network Radio on Thursday nights.
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