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GDC Europe to provide free entry to students

A scholarship programme has been announced by the International Game Developers Association, which will provide free entry to the Game Developers Conference Europe event to qualifying students.

A scholarship programme has been announced by the International Game Developers Association, which will provide free entry to the Game Developers Conference Europe event to qualifying students.

The scholarship, which is open to IGDA student members who are in full-time university education, will provide recipients with full access to all of GDCE's sessions, roundtables and keynotes, as well as giving them a chance to network with industry professionals.

"The annual Student Scholarship program provides students with a peek into the game creation process," according to IGDA executive director Jason Della Rocca. "It's one exciting way the IGDA supports aspiring game creators."

Students can apply for the scholarship at the IGDA Scholarship Website, with the entry deadline being Wednesday, July 20th. Successful recipients of the scholarship will be notified by August 3rd.

GDC Europe is set to run from August 30th to September 1st in London.

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Rob Fahey is a former editor of who has spent several years living in Japan and probably still has a mint condition Dreamcast Samba de Amigo set.