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GameSpot lays off portion of staff

Job cuts at Fandom gaming outlet come almost exactly a year after last round of layoffs

Fandom-owned outlet GameSpot has endured a round of layoffs today, as reported by multiple current and now-former employees on social media.

The employees' posts give little detail as to the scope or focus of the layoffs, saying only that "some" people were let go.

A Fandom representative told that the company would not be providing a statement.

This is the second wave of layoffs at GameSpot since Fandom acquired the site and various other properties from Red Ventures in October of 2022.

The first layoffs came just over a year ago, with cuts hitting GameSpot sister site Giant Bomb as well.

It is unclear if today's layoffs were limited to GameSpot or extended throughout Fandom's business.

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Brendan Sinclair: Brendan joined in 2012. Based in Toronto, Ontario, he was previously senior news editor at GameSpot.
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