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Miles Jacobson announced as first industry figure to feature in student Q&A sessions

The Network, launched last May, has continued to blossom and now boasts over 5000 members.

The latest milestone follows a steady uptake of new industry people over the past eleven months, as well as the introduction of the Student and Freelance networks earlier this year.

Additionally, as part of a plan to bring games-related students closer to the industry, is proud to announce a series of Network-only Q&A sessions with key industry figures, with Miles Jacobson the first top name to feature.

Student members will be able to submit their questions via the Network forum, and they'll then be put to the Sports Interactive studio director in the coming weeks. is also working on exciting new functionality for industry members based around event time management, with more details available in due course - although several key events on the global calendar have signed up to partner with the Network already.

The Network is designed to bring together people who work in the business of videogames and is only open to verifiable industry people from any part of the chain, from developers and publishers to distributors, retailers and the games media.

The Student and Freelance Networks are designed to provide a link to those people associated with the industry but who don't necessarily work on a full-time basis.

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