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Gamerzines Publishing Director talks about free magazines

For immediate release

Publishing Director, Dave Taylor, of Gamerzines is the special guest on the latest Widget Show podcast. Listeners can find out more about the team behind the free magazines for gamers that launched in November 2006 and have been creating an internet buzz since then.

The 50 minute programme gives time over to the history behind the people involved as well as an insight into the launch of the free 360Zine and PCGZine. There's even talk of the lineup of magazines for 2007.

"I was honoured to be invited on the show," says Dave. "The Widget Show was kind enough to let me talk about everything from how we came up with the idea of free magazines for gamers, through to how we decided on the format, and also more general stuff like how a games magazine gets created and the state of the current videogames market."

If you're interested in getting into games journalism, Taylor talks about the necessary skills and some of the ways of working towards it as a career.

Gamerzines are free magazines produced as downloads in the Adobe PDF format. There are currently three different magazines available: 360Zine, PCGzine (PC games) and The Official PES6 Fanzine (for Pro Evolution Soccer 6). All Gamerzines are completely free to download and don't require registration. All readers require is Adobe Reader version 6 or above (also free, if not pre-installed).

The Widget Show interview can be downloaded from:

All Gamerzines can be downloaded from:

For more information:

Cranberry Publishing Ltd

The 401 Centre

302 Regent Street




David Taylor, Publishing Director

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