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Localized Swedish site launched.

NEW YORK - December 3, 2010

GamersGate, a leading digital distribution platform, today announced the start of a new initiative to launch localized sites throughout Europe. Swedish gamers can now access and purchase their favorite digital games on GamersGate by visiting their own localized site,, and visitors from Sweden will be directed to the new Swedish site even if they use the traditional GamersGate URL,

The Swedish site will be the first of its kind with plans to launch German, French, Spanish, Italian and Polish versions in the near future.

“We’re rolling out localized versions to meet the continually increasing demand from the European market,” said GamersGate’s CEO, Theodore Bergquist. “We strive to offer the most user-friendly experience and adapting our platform to specific regions is another step in that direction.”

For more information on GamersGate, please visit

About GamersGate

GamersGate is a leading digital distribution platform creating easily accessible gaming experiences for gamers worldwide – anytime, anywhere. Viewed as a strong contender in the digital download arena, GamersGate continues to redefine the download industry and future strategies including the launch of several accompanying services and comprehensive tools, in addition to an aggressively growing product portfolio with over 2,500 games from a wide range of internationally recognized publishers. For more information, check out the GamersGate website at or

Joe Ziemer, TriplePoint

(212) 730-9744


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