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iPhone and Android games news aggregation apps unveiled.

April 26 2010: Announcing the launch of the new iphone and Android video game news aggregation apps. With the launch of these applications, gamers can now view all the day's top video game news and articles from all the best video game websites directly on their iPhone and Android compatible smart phones for all gaming platforms including Xbox 360, Playstation 3, Playstation 2, Nintendo Wii, PC, PSP, Nintendp DS, iPhone, iPad Mobile and more. The new iPhone and Android video game news apps. are designed to feed directly from the live website and update on demand. The moment an article or news item is posted on the website by one of its members it becomes instantly available for viewing on a users iPhone or Google Android smart phone.

"We see the introduction of these new applications as a way to increase Gamekicker's audience reach beyond the regular browser experience and as a great way for the smaller video gaming news website that post to our site regularly to get their content into the hands of mobile users." G. Francella - Partner.

Both Applications are currently available from the iTunes store and Android marketplace to download for free.

Gamekicker iPhone App.

Gamekicker Android App.

Browse to com.genwi.ggamekicker on your Android compatible phone.


Originally launched in 2009, is a video game news and articles aggregation website covering all aspects of the video game industry and gaming platforms including Xbox 360, Playstation, Nintendo Wii, Nintendo DS, PSP, PC, Mobile, iPhone, iPad and more. is an open forum for anyone and everyone to submit video game related news, reviews, article and interesting stuff. is aimed at video game websites, blog owners, gamers and game related companies who wish to share their video game news stories, articles, videos and trailers with like minded people. is a digg style news submission directory where video game related news and articles are submitted and shared by gamers for other gamers. Unlike a number of competitor websites, has no editors or fanboys policing and deleting submissions, so everything posted to gets to fight it's own battles andstand on it's own merits, or not.

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