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GameHorizon announces Best of British event

London conference brings together Cecil, Baverstock, Wedgewood, Morris and more

GameHorizon, the team behind the influential annual event in Newcastle, is to host a new event in London on October 28, called Best of British.

The one-day conference will feature a mix of talks aimed at the various issues surrounding the games industry in the UK, and will feature a host of key British developers as speakers and panellists.

That line-up includes Revolution MD Charles Cecil, Kuju CEO Ian Baverstock, Splash Damage MD Paul Wedgewood and Introversion MD Mark Morris - the latter of whom will talk through the influences for forthcoming Darwinia+ and feature an exclusive first play-through of the game.

Simon Seefeldt from Jagex, Paul Farley from Tag Games and TIGA's Richard Wilson will also be featuring in the sessions.

The event will be held at Kings Place, London and start at 10am, with a networking and party event taking place at Caminos after the day ends.

More information and registration details are available on the official GameHorizon website, while Network members can add Best of British to their event itinerary now.

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