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GameAccount appoints former C&W VP as new CEO

Financial services provider GameAccount, which specialises in enabling players to play against each other for money in networked games, has appointed former Cable & Wireless vice president John Jones as its new CEO.

Jones, who formerly founded and managed C&W's ecommerce and web-hosting subsidiary, joins founders Kevin O'Neal and David McDowell on the senior management team of GameAccount.

O'Neal will be formalising his role as director of sales and marketing, while McDowell will be chief operating officer of the company going forward.

"After almost two years of successful operation, the board decided that GameAccount has reached a point where it needed a more structured organisation," explained Jones. "Rather than asking any of the existing executives to abandon the roles in which they had been operating so successfully, the board decided that the best course would be to appoint a chief executive to take the business to its next level."

"Managing rapid growth is one of the toughest and most exhilarating challenges that any company can face and GameAccount's revenues are growing at a compound monthly rate in excess of 80 per cent. The task of continuing this growth and exploiting the possibilities presented by new opportunities such as digital TV, mobile telephony and online consoles is tremendously exciting."

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Rob Fahey is a former editor of who has spent several years living in Japan and probably still has a mint condition Dreamcast Samba de Amigo set.