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Future gets new chief executive as Ingham steps down

Media group Future has announced that Greg Ingham has decided to step down from his roles as chief executive and director of the company, with his replacement due to take over on July 3rd.

Media group Future has announced that Greg Ingham has decided to step down from his roles as chief executive and director of the company, with his replacement due to take over on July 3rd.

Ingham will be replaced by Stevie Spring, formerly the chief executive of UK outdoor media company Clear Channel. Spring previously worked in advertising company management at agencies including Young & Rubicam and Grey.

"I have been at Future since 1988, first as publisher, then as MD, and have been chief exec since 1998. Thatâs a long stretch in one company," Ingham stated.

"I wish now to do something different in my business life and to broaden my experiences. I am sure this is the right decision, both for me and the business."

The news comes as Future announces its interim results for the six month period ended March 31st, reporting a pre-tax loss of GBP 12.1 million. Spring commented: "I am very excited at the opportunity to join Futureâs Board. Despite its recent trading difficulties, Future has strong market positions in a number of consumer sectors and some excellent media properties, both in print and online."

Future chairman Roger Parry added: "It is of course difficult to announce the departure of someone who has been so closely involved with the business over the past 18 years, but we understand and respect Gregâs decision to move on."

"We are delighted that Stevie has agreed to join Future and to have attracted someone with her skills and experience to lead the business into its next stage of development."

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Ellie Gibson: Ellie spent nearly a decade working at Eurogamer, specialising in hard-hitting executive interviews and nob jokes. These days she does a comedy show and podcast. She pops back now and again to write the odd article and steal our biscuits.
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