New social networking site for fans of free-to-play casual MMOs.
Vienna, May 8. 2009 started to go into an open beta testing in the middle of April 2009. Fragegg is a social gaming network specifically targeting players of free to play casual MMO’s.
On the fragegg social gaming portal gamers are communicating through avatar based characters. They are being provided with social feeds which inform the users what other players are currently doing on the platform as well as what they are doing in certain games. Fragegg therefore has developed a client solution which tracks a gamers’ activity within client based games such as World of Warcraft. Within the fragegg portal users can register for free to play MMO’s which are also integrated with the virtual currency (Stareggs) being used on
Fragegg can therefore be seen as a social gaming network which gives the opportunity to track your friends’ game actions, meet and communicate with new friends and try free to play multiplayer games. The user gets compensated with a virtual currency for his/her activities on the platform which then can be used to purchase avatar items and ultimately lead to a higher ranking on the fragegg portal.
The site is currently available in English and will be expanded into other European languages as we proceed. As of today appr. 2.000 registered users are on the site.
Over the coming weeks Fragegg will integrate new free to play MMO’s into the portal which are published through co-publishing partnership deals.
Felix Gruendorfer
Frag Egg Networks
Mooslackengasse 17
1190 Wien (AUSTRIA)