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Fractured Soul

US and European publishers sought for DS game whose new trailer is being rated "awesome" by YouTube visitors.

For immediate release:

Grant Davies – Director @ Endgame Studios (Developers)

We always felt we were making a great, fun DS game with an innovative twist... but we never realised how much people would like it until yesterday, when we released our trailer.... 13,500 views in the first 24 hours and a slew of amazing comments. People are loving Fractured Soul! Right from when the DS was first announced, we’ve wanted to make a game that made full use of both screens. We always felt that gamers would embrace a game that truly fit the DS hardware. Fractured Soul is that game, and from the comments we’ve received so far, and the flood of interest on YouTube, gamers worldwide agree with us. (

ATTENTION PUBLISHERS! - We are in the final development stages for Fractured Soul and are looking to have the title signed for US and Europe over the coming month. If we have not spoken with you yet and you are interested in this title for either US or Europe, please get in contact with us as we would hate to miss out on your interest towards this fantastic title that is receiving great praise from the gaming community. Help spread this action packed thrill ride far and wide! (

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