Emthesis Development has released its new free game programming system: ELF Integrated Scripting System 1.0
Visit www.emthesis.com/elf for more details!
What is, ELF?
ELF is an integrated scripting system, and at same time a
virtual runtime environment. We have created ELF keeping
simplicity in mind, and to make our [and yours!] work more
simple and comfortable!): infact, we think that game coders
should not trash precious time every time "reinventing the
wheel", but they should spend own (always too little!) time
realizing wonderful ideas!
ELF is a scripting environment based on the well-known LUA
language from which you can control some dynamic loadable
modules, written in C++, that allows you to control many
other state-of-the-art and opensource technologies. These
modules offers to the coder many functions designed to
control all their functionalities in a simple but effective
manner. For instance, loading the 3D graphics module, you can
use all the functions designed to control the 3D view...
loading the positional audio module you can load (and play,
of course!) sound files, and so on! The only thing that we
cannot implement is your imagination!