Employment Census returns on 12th July
Press Release Wednesday 12 July 2006 is Census day. The Census
is the industry wide survey of Company MDs and HR managers to
measure the total number and make- up of the Computer Games
workforce. The Census is now biennial and Skillset has carried
out the survey on behalf of the audio visual industries since
2000. Ensuring Games companies respond is a priority as the
information the Census gathers is used by the industry and
Government to understand how the industry is changing and to
plan investment in skills, monitor the diversity of the
workforce and lobby government on funding and policy issues.
Forms are being distributed to audio visual employers via a
number of sources and can be completed at
www.skillset.org/census . Ian Livingstone, Production
Acquisitions Director at Eidos and Chair of the Computer Games
Skills Forum, said: "The Census is a headcount of the industry.
It helps Skillset influence Government, policymakers and public
funders for the benefit and support of the industry. To target
our efforts and resources as effectively as possible we need
accurate information which is why its essential that all games
employers complete and return a Census form - you should
receive one in the post but if not I urge you to down load one
at www.skillset.org/census . It really will help us to make
more of a difference." ENDS SKILLSET PRESS OFFICE: 020 7520
5752 / 07968 010 325 eve@skillset.org Notes to Editor Skillset
is the Sector Skills Council for the Audio Visual Industries
covering Broadcast, Film, Video, Interactive Media and Photo
Imaging. Sector Skills Councils (SSCs) are licensed by the
Secretary of State for Education and Skills and by Ministers in
the devolved administrations to tackle the skills and
productivity challenge by sector. SSCs are independent, UK wide
organisations developed by groups of influential employers in
industry or business sectors of economic or strategic
significance. SSCs are employer-led and actively involve trade
unions, professional bodies and other stakeholders in the
sector. For more information visit: www.skillset.org The Census
includes key sectors in scope to Skillset excluding performers,
photo-imaging and film production. These sectors operate
differently to those covered by the Census, and there are now
separate measures in place to monitor employment trends
therein. The Skills for Business Network is made up of 25
Sector Skills Councils - each one is an employer-led,
independent organisation. The Sector Skills Development Agency
(SSDA) underpins the network and is responsible for funding,
supporting and monitoring the SSCs. Jo Worsley e-Communications
Co-ordinator (Freelance) Free Industry Induction Programme for
New Entrants! (But be quick - only a few places left...)
www.skillset.org/induction Skillset | Prospect House | 80 - 110
New Oxford Street | London | WC1A 1HB T: 020 7520 5946 | F: 020
7520 5758 | E: jowo@skillset.org | W: www.skillset.org For all
careers enquiries visit www.skillset.org/careers or call the
Skillset Careers Helpline on 08080 300 900 (England, Wales,
Northern Ireland) or 0808 100 8094 (Scotland).