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Edge Games files new lawsuit against EA

Tim Langdell seeking Mirror's Edge injunction and damages

Edge Games' latest target for litigation is Electronic Arts. Owner and former IGDA board member Tim Langdell is once again attempting to assert ownership of the word 'edge', this time claiming that EA's 2008 title Mirror's Edge constitutes trademark infringement.

The dispute has gone on for some time, Langdell having claimed he filed a cease and desist order back in 2007, and EA unsuccessfully petitioning for a trademark cancellation last year.

Langdell is something of a bête noir in the games industry, having issued take-down threats and litigation to a number of unwitting developers - despite releasing no games from his own company for 16 years.

The trademark infringement suit against EA was filed in Northern California by the Lanier Law Firm, on behalf of Edge Games. It claims wilful infringement and unfair competition, and seeks both damages and an injunction against further usage of the title 'Mirror's Edge.'

Langdell claims EA did not respond to his original cease and desist letter, and went on to release Mirror's Edge despite having a US trademark for that title refused due to its use of 'Edge.'

While Langdell's repeated attempts to force a name-change on independent developer Mobigame's iPhone title Edge ultimately proved unsuccessful - the title finally returned to the App Store under its original name last month - this new action may endanger EA's planned release of a sequel to Mirror's Edge.

For more on the strange history of Edge Games, please read's investigation from last year.

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Alec Meer: A 10-year veteran of scribbling about video games, Alec primarily writes for Rock, Paper, Shotgun, but given any opportunity he will escape his keyboard and mouse ghetto to write about any and all formats.
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