Easy Three Free Wii
for immediate release
Hong Kong, 20th July, 2006 - Renchi.com ( www.renchi.com ) - a leading import video games, consoles and game gear retailer, is the first to bring you a chance to win THREE FREE WII, how? Easy! That's why we call it the easy three free Wii. The details of the promotion can be seen - http://www.renchi.com/renchi/NewsDetail?newsID=768.
DS Lite Accessory video - homemade video showing how many accessories for the DS Lite there are, definitely breaking the 100 mark soon, and Renchi is shopping everywhere to bring our customers all the choices in one place. These DS Lite accessories can be seen at - http://www.renchi.com/renchi/NewsDetail?newsID=765 . And the video at http://www.renchi.com/renchi/NewsDetail?newsID=765#DS%20Lite%20video. Now all the colours are in stock - Noble Pink, Black, Ice Blue, Enamel Navy, and Polar White, time to find the right gadgets to go with them.
Other promotions in effect:
Nintendo DS and DS Lite Bundle deals( http://www.renchi.com/renchi/AdvanceSearchResult?platform=10&category=67&showPicture=Y )
RenChi.com ( www.renchi.com) is a sister company
of RedWolfAirsoft ( www.redwolfairsoft.com), the leading worldwide airsoft supplier for the past 8 years. Based in Hong Kong, RenChi has the advantage of sourcing video games and consolesfrom various regions, including Japan, for great prices and speed. Enquiry can be sent to sales@renchi.com .
What should your DS Lite wear today? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rdw8N_hP0pw