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DiscoveryBeat 2010

Mobile, gaming, and social app execs to converge on San Francisco next week.

San Francisco – October 12, 2010 – Today VentureBeat, the leader in tech business and venture news, announces the second annual DiscoveryBeat conference. DiscoveryBeat 2010 has assembled executives from the most successful companies in mobile, gaming, and social apps to share the strategies that allowed them to build leading companies and monster exits.

Building on last year’s impressive turnout, DiscoveryBeat 2010 is expanding the agenda to a full day of panels, sessions and networking. With the growth in content, the event is also moving to the much-larger Mission Bay Conference Center at UCSF. As part of the lead up to DiscoveryBeat 2010, VentureBeat has also created a Discovery Directory with 33 proven tricks to boost your app’s visibility. This year’s speakers will be exploring these 33 tricks and more, sharing their own personal secrets to app success in an evolving market.

“App discovery has a new set of challenges that didn’t exist a year ago including how to build successful businesses on emerging platforms like Android and what types of social media integration and monetization are working and why,” states VentureBeat Founder Matt Marshall.

Discovery is more important than ever as the tech industry becomes inundated with new products and services. Leading industry experts – including app developers, gaming execs, social media leaders and public relations experts – will share their insight on standing out in the crowd through strategy, marketing and social networking. Case studies will be presented throughout the day to illustrate past successes, and discussions will be facilitated to explore the evolution and current climate of the app market.

DiscoveryBeat 2010 Speakers include:

Peter Relan, founder of YouWeb,: Brian Reynolds, chief game designer at Zynga; Jason Spero, director of mobile at Google; Julian Farrior, CEO of BackFlip Studios; Travis Boatman, vice president of worldwide studios for EA Mobile; Aunkur Arya, dirctor of business development for AdMob; Tim O’Brien, VP of business development at Disney Mobile; Ben Keighran, CEO and co-founder of Chomp; Laura Fitton, founder of oneforty; Marc Gumpinger, CEO of Scoreloop; Arjun Sethi, CEO of LoLapps; Norman Winarsky, VP of ventures, licensing, & strategic programs at SRI; Peter Farago, VP marketing at Flurry; Alan Warms, CEO of Appolicious &; Si Shen, co-founder & CEO of Papaya Mobile; Chris DeVore, executive chairman of Mobilmeme; Sebastien de Halleux, co-founder of Playfish, Vijay Chattha, founder & chief talker of AppLaunchPR; Charles Hudson, VP of business development at Serious Business; Dave Castelnuovo, CEO of Bolt Creative; Lee Linden, co-Founder & VP of business development at Tapjoy; Savinay Berry, vice president of Granite Ventures; Simon Khalaf, CEO of Flurry; Jason Citron, founder & CEO of Aurora Feint; Eric Eldon, editor of Inside Social Games; Yukari Kane, staff reporter for The Wall Street Journal; James De Jesus, director creative development at AKQA; and Kabir Kasargod, founder & business development lead at Vive Service (Qualcomm Services Labs).

A full list of speakers can be found here:

General information on DiscoveryBeat can be found here:

The full DiscoveryBeat agenda is available here:

Tickets are Available Here:

Venue Details:

The Mission Bay Conference Center at UCSF

October 18, 2010

9:00am- 7:00pm

1675 Owens Street

San Francisco, CA 94143 – 3008

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