Connected Gaming with RumbleX 2.0
we connect your games and your audience
RumbleX is the free community service for mobile gamers developed since 2005 by OrangePixel. Sporting 55.000 players, the system now contains over 283.000 high scores and is growing daily with hundreds of new scores on a daily basis. What's more important is the fact that this service is completely free to use.
Players can register for a free account and get advanced tracking of their gaming skills and achievements, while unregistered players can still enjoy the service but without accurate tracking.
RumbleX partnered up with to supply players with an easy way to buy more RumbleX compatible games. And free AdWrapped versions of most of the games are available through
Developers can use the free "RumbleX Highscore" service in their games. With extra services available for affordable one-time fee's, RumbleX can enhance your games and bring you an instant community of gamers.
New look and functionality
RumbleX has recently gone into it's second stage, with a fresh new look and much more functionality for gamers to get connected to other gamers. New services like "RumbleX Achievements" and "RumbleX Messaging" are now made available to developers.
Future services include:
- RumbleX Linked ; Link mobile game data to any other platform with internet possibilities. Have players save their Characters skills and let them continue playing on their PC or console.
- RumbleX Content ; Make new content available and ready for download by players. Furthermore have players capable of sharing their own content with other players.
- RumbleX Micro payment; Handle payments of any kind. Making subscription gaming possible, buying extra content, or upgrading to full versions from within a free demo version.
What RumbleX offers to players :
- keeping track of their played games
- show their best rank and highscore on their personal page
- search for people playing the same games, or people from the same country, and contact them
- check for the hottest games of the day
- see who is playing what at this very moment and their current score
- discuss games in our community forums
- maintain a buddy list (linked to our RumbleX Messenging service)
- contact and message other players
- and it's free
For more information check out the RumbleX services at
and for developers interested in learning more about the technology visit:
About OrangePixel
OrangePixel was founded in 2004, and has been developing and designing game concepts for the mobile market. A strong focus on original ideas and mobile game concepts is quickly setting OrangePixel aside from the large market of rehashed ideas and branded content. With single-key game concepts like Rocketboy, Toddlers, Sliderkids, and new ideas like the critically acclaimed Mechanics; OrangePixel has the balls to be creative.