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Congo Jones Faces The Loggers Of Doom In African Rainforests


8 January 2008

The Rainforest Foundation UK [1] has launched Congo Jones and the Loggers of Doom, an online game challenging players to safeguard the planet's last rainforest frontier.

Congo Jones' mission comes as the Congolese rainforest -- the second largest on the planet after the Amazon -- is under the carving knife. An area the size of France is at risk. The global threat is heightened with the knowledge that rainforest destruction is the second largest cause of global warming.

Players are invited to jump logs, climb waterfalls and evade chainsaws to help forest peoples save their lands before it's too late.

"The game presents a very serious issue in an interactive way so that players want to take action to stop the carve-up of the Congo rainforest," said Helen Brownstone, Head of Fundraising and Communications at the Rainforest Foundation.

Play the game at

For more information:

Rosemary Brown 020 7485 0193; email at;

Online game images available

Editors note:

[1] The Rainforest Foundation works to protect the world's rainforests by enabling people living in and around them to fulfil their rights to land, life and livelihood. Our work spans all major tropical rainforest regions, with projects in 18 countries.

[2] Rainforest destruction is the second largest man-made source of greenhouse gases - the cause of global warming, according to the Stern Report to the UK Government on the Economics of Climate Change.


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