News Netflix acquires Spry Fox as sixth internal studio Cozy Grove developer says it will "continue making the games that we were already making and wanted to make" Nov. 1, 2022 James Batchelor
Feature Grind and bear it Mobile hit Alphabear's infinite honey breaks the free-to-play formula, but makes for a hard-to-balance game Sept. 4, 2015 Brendan Sinclair 1 comment
Feature Gambling on Road Not Taken David Edery explains the rationale behind Spry Fox's latest, from going to consoles to giving it away for free at launch as part of PS Plus Aug. 11, 2014 Brendan Sinclair 4 comments
News Spry Fox CCO criticises Microsoft's "gamers as bros" culture Daniel Cook claims Xbox pushed violence and machismo to the foreground April 9, 2013 Matthew Handrahan 15 comments