Feature Talking Shop: DeNA's Head of Culture and Communication We chat with DeNA's Sarah Fuchs about what it takes to build a great corporate culture April 22, 2013 Mike Williams
Feature Keep Taking The Tablets: Ben Cousins on the move to mobile "We're targeting console audience who buy five games a year" April 4, 2013 Dan Pearson 1 comment
News DeNA's Swedish studio developing mobile FPS Ben Cousin's new team will bring players The Drowning Dec. 7, 2012 Mike Williams 1 comment
News DeNA sees Q2 revenue of $627 million Record numbers and 45 per cent growth year-on year for Japanese giant Nov. 6, 2012 Rachel Weber
News DeNA: "Coming out of hibernation" The mobile game giant's US subsidiary has signed up 10 new developers and talks with us about its evolving business Nov. 1, 2012 Steve Peterson
News New CEO for Ngmoco Founder Neil Young stands down from role, Clive Downie steps up Oct. 26, 2012 Rachel Weber 1 comment
Feature Neil Young: "This is the best time to be a game designer" The CEO of ngmoco talks about DeNA's excellent quarter, Zynga, and game design Aug. 14, 2012 Steve Peterson 12 comments
Feature Neil Young: E3 relevance has "diminished massively" ngmoco CEO speaks candidly about the trade show June 1, 2012 Steve Peterson 2 comments
News Kixeye opens new Australian studio 3 Blokes team joins Backyard Monsters developer May 31, 2012 Rachel Weber
Feature "Next generation of freemium games will be indistinguishable from AAA" ngmoco's Ben Cousins describes the breadth and depth of the free-to-play future April 3, 2012 Matthew Handrahan 30 comments
News Cousins predicts "free-to-play equivalent of Skyrim" in two years Ngmoco Sweden boss expects F2P dev budgets of $1bn, companies hitting market caps of $100bn March 28, 2012 Matthew Handrahan 14 comments
News Layoffs reported at ngmoco after DeNA restructuring Japanese company thought to have laid off around 30 staff at Western subsidiary Feb. 9, 2012 Dan Pearson
News EA DICE staff leave for ngmoco Sweden Veterans from Battlefield, Far Cry 2 and Mirror's Edge depart for mobile studio Jan. 3, 2012 Matthew Handrahan
News ngmoco grabs more Crytek staff for Swedish studio Ryse director leaves after ten years alongside art specialist Nov. 17, 2011 Matt Martin
News Ngmoco appoints new chief marketeer Michael Staskin joins mobile publisher Oct. 13, 2011 Dan Pearson
News Senta Jakobsen joins ngmoco Sweden Crytek and DICE veteran joins Ben Cousins as new studio's second employee Sept. 1, 2011 Matthew Handrahan 2 comments
News ngmoco appoints TV exec as COO Joanna Drake Early arrives from user-controlled TV network Current TV Aug. 24, 2011 Matthew Handrahan
News DeNA opens new Singapore subsidiary DeNA Asia Mobile developer hoping for "unprecedented monetization opportunities" Aug. 19, 2011 Rachel Weber
News ngmoco brings Mobage network to AT&T Deal gives AT&T customers access to Android social gaming network Aug. 5, 2011 Matthew Handrahan
Feature ngmoco's Alan Yu Creating a solution to discovery and monetisation in the Android market July 27, 2011 Matthew Handrahan
News Mobage network expands into English speaking countries English version of DeNA and ngmoco's Android social network rolls out worldwide July 27, 2011 Matthew Handrahan
News Alan Yu: Self-distribution is not self publishing Ngmoco co-founder says that knowing your audience is key July 20, 2011 Dan Pearson 2 comments
News Cousins to create new ngmoco studio in Sweden Ex-EA Easy exec joins freemium developer to work on mobile products June 21, 2011 Rachel Weber
News Ngmoco reveals Sandbox developer environment Tool will allow users to produce titles for Mobage platform June 3, 2011 Dan Pearson 1 comment
News ngmoco buys Dutch studio Rough Cookie Long-time collaborator acquired as DeNA continues Western expansion May 20, 2011 David Jenkins