News Cities XL online elements to close Low subscriptions force Monte Cristo to refocus on single player experience Jan. 28, 2010 Phil Elliott 2 comments
Feature We Built This City Monte Cristo's Jerome Gastaldi on the launch of Cities XL, and the challenges of creating a new kind of MMOG Oct. 15, 2009 Phil Elliott
Feature City Life Monte Cristo's Jerome Gastaldi on business model variety, putting together an MMO and using venture capitalist cash Jan. 14, 2009 Phil Elliott
News Monte Cristo confident with MMO business models Low cost multiple options to be key for success, says French developer Jan. 14, 2009 Phil Elliott
News Industry is "crap" at exploring new levels of interactivity - Monte Cristo CEO Self-centred business failing to take inspiration from successful internet models Oct. 8, 2008 Matt Martin
Feature XL Junkie Monte Cristo's studio head Jérome Gastaldi on the challenges of self-publishing and working with community-based games Oct. 8, 2008 Keza MacDonald