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Combat Mission: Shock Force

Marines module now available for pre-order, with new info and videos to be had too.

Thursday, 07 August 2008

Combat Mission Shock Force - Marines, the first module to the Combat Mission Shock Force modern tactical warfare series, is now open for pre-orders., independent internet based publisher and developer, has also for the first time released additional information about the features and content, as well as a couple of new action videos.

Official game page:

CMSF Marines will be available in September 2008, only from via Download as well as Mail Delivery, and will not be sold in stores. The price is $25. Ownership of the base game, Combat Mission Shock Force (in any version, i.e. retail via Paradox, Gamer's Gate or Battlefront), is required to play.

Pre-order customers can secure their copy right now! If you pre-order now, you are going to receive BOTH the download version as well as a hardcopy by mail at a $10 discount off the regular price. Pre-order customers will also be notified first when the game is released in September.

If you don't have Combat Mission Shock Force - don't worry. You can also pre-order the special Combat Mission Shock Force + Marines Bundle with both games included for $45, and save even more! (a whopping $25 off the regular price).

To pre-order, go here:


Shock Force - Marines is the first of several planned expansions of the Combat Mission contemporary warfare setting.

This, the first Module, adds a significant number of new formations, units, weapons, equipment and vehicles for both the US and Syrian sides, as well as brand new missions, maps and a campaign. General game engine improvements (such as TacAI changes, tweaking cover values and so on) are included as well, although most of them will also be available to all Shock Force customers via a patch. This ensures that everybody plays by the same rules and experiences the same basic gameplay.

So what does the Marines Module include?

New TO&E (Table of Organization & Equipment)

Marines Infantry Battalion

Marines Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion (LAV)

Marines Tank Battalion

Marines Assault Amphibian Company (AAV)

Marines Engineer Battalion

Syrian Airborne Battalion

Syrian Mechanized Airborne Company

New Weapons

M32 Multiple Grenade Launcher

Shoulder-launched Multipurpose Assault Weapon (SMAW)

M72A7 Light Anti-Tank Weapon System (LAW)

M40A3 Sniper Rifle

M16A4 rifle

M16A4 rifle w/M203 Grenade Launcher


RPG-7D3 (airborne version of the RPG-7V)

New Vehicles

Marine M1A1 Abrams

Marine M1A1 FEP Abrams




LAV-25 A2





MTVR 6x6 Armored Truck

Mk23 7 Ton Truck (unarmored)

M1046 TOW Humvee

M1114 Humvee w/ Mk19 Grenade Launcher

T-90SA Tank


BRDM-2 (AT-5)

M1A1SA TUSK Abrams tank

M1A2 SEP TUSK Abrams tank

ImageM2A3 IFV Bradley with explosive reactive armor (ERA)

M3A3 CFV Bradley with explosive reactive armor (ERA)

M7A3 BFIST Bradley with explosive reactive armor (ERA)

M1114 HMMV armed with Mk.19 grenade launcher

New Scenarios and Campaign

A number of standalone missions, about two dozen brand new Quick Battle Maps and a completely new Marines campaign are included in the Module! More details about the Campaign can be found under "Campaign" on the left menu.

New Game Engine Features

A large number of game improvements, bug fixes and engine enhancements are going into the Marines module. Most of them will be made backwards compatible for users without the Marines module as well in a v1.10 patch for CMSF. Below is just a short list of some of the highlights, for now.


Movement Destination Highlights: When placing a waypoint over ground terrain, the destination "action spot" is highlighted in yellow. Teams B and C (if any) also have their adjacent destinations highlighted when plotting moves and when giving facing orders attached to a final waypoint. Note that final facing is important for positioning "wing man" teams, so you should attach facing orders to final waypoints as needed. New Color for KIA: The colored "highlight disc" for dead soldiers is brown, to distinguish them from seriously wounded soldiers whose disc remains red. "Buddy aid" can still be given to dead soldiers, but all it does is reclaim their ammo and weapons if possible. "Aid" to dead soldiers is pretty quick. Target Arc and Facing orders may be given with mouse clicks that go "off map". When placing a target arc, the distance in meters is displayed. Disembarking troops may attach Face, Deploy, and Pop Smoke orders to waypoints. "Target" command is available in the editor to check LOS (no targeting orders are saved).


New sound effects for incoming rounds, jets, helicopters, cannon fire, bombs, spotters, controllers. (Check out the new videos!) Smoke artillery missions (and computer-player AI Support Plans may use it) Computer player uses artillery and air support dynamically throughout the game, not just pre-planned strikes.


New soldier TacAI for Fire on the Move: Moving soldiers will sometimes stop and take a quick shot at nearby/exposed enemy troops, then resume moving. (Check out the new videos!) New soldier TacAI for Moving Under Fire: Moving troops that come under heavy fire will only switch to Slow (i.e. crawling) if they are so tired that they could otherwise only use walking speed (i.e. not even Quick). Otherwise they try to move faster. And sometimes they cancel their move altogether and seek nearby cover. ImageSoldiers do a better job finding ridgeline positions even when "heavy" cover like trees is also present. Soldiers position themselves better at corners of buildings and walls. Note: the effectiveness depends on the orientation of the building in relation to the underlying action grid. Soldiers move faster with Fast move, even when carrying heavy loads. Soldiers move along trench lines better. Sound effects for footsteps.


Improved damage algorithms for external systems on armored vehicles (e.g. optics, smoke generators, lasers, missile launchers). Secondary explosions for burning vehicles as ammunition "cooks off". Improved vehicle navigation in narrow urban spaces.


Internet Play: improved speed and reliability. Explosions: the simulation of blast and shrapnel effects has been improved. The main thing you'll likely notice is that huge weapons like airplane bombs are a bit less able to cause casualties at long range. Bunkers o Handled better by computer player

o Protect correctly versus artillery fire

o Correctly simulate top hits from Javelins

Machineguns may "deploy" inside buildings, though assembly time is 2+ minutes. Sound effects for weapon reloading. New background sounds for day and night. Added a "special equipment icon" for night vision gear.

The Marines Module is packed with a lot of cool stuff and it will be available in September 2008.

Last Updated ( Friday, 08 August 2008 )

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