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Combat Arms

In-game arsenal bolstered by AA-12 Shotgun, M417 SB machine gun and M93 Hornet Mine.

Combat Arms added some great new weapons to the arsenal for its latest update, which is live and free-to-play at

The more than three million registered soldiers have three new weapons to choose from - the AA-12 Shotgun, M417 SB machine gun and M93 Hornet Mine. There are also some new features for how players can acquire rare weapons and retain them for longer periods.

Before this update, players would use real money to get NX Cash and purchase weapon-specific supply cases. Now, players can purchase Supply Crates with NX Cash (MYST-N) or with in-game currency, Gear Points (MYST-G).

These crates offer soldiers an opportunity to acquire any rare weapon in the game and allow players to bypass rank requirements for weapons. Rare weapons sold for GP can now be unlocked by higher-ranked soldiers, instead of being available only through supply cases.

The game also added a Weapon Renewal Kit, which allows players to extend the duration of their weapon from one day to getting a permanent duration. No longer do players have to worry about their favorite weapon expiring.

And to thank players who waited during the extended maintenance, Combat Arms is offering a double EXP event this weekend. Players will also enjoy the celebration of Machine Gun Month during March, with blowout sales and events surrounding machine guns.

Soldiers can enlist at Facebook and get a taste of the action at YouTube for more information on Combat Arms.

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