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Games auction site offers a sanctuary to alienated eBayers.

Orange County, CA (PR) – May 25, 2009 Over the past year Ebay has made an abundance of unpopular changes to their business model. These changes include everything from very uninviting page layouts, changes to how members leave feedback for one another and generally heading in the direction of other popular “store” sites like Amazon and These changes have gone a long way to alienate many of Ebay’s long-standing sellers and they are now looking for other places to sell.

At least for video gamers, there is a logical, thriving auction alternative in The Chuckwagon was launched in March 2008 and has been successfully heading West to the “gold country” ever since. Named after a rare Atari 2600 game, considered by many to the first “holy grail” of video game collecting has quickly grown to over 2,500 members, has hosted over 122,000 auctions and sold over $105,000 in merchandise. And since the fees associated with selling on the Chuckwagon are significantly less than on Ebay there is more money going in seller’s pockets.

To complement the auction site, founder Mike Kennedy is adding lots of additional community building features including member forums, gaming chat rooms featuring a different gaming chat every night of the week, a community streaming gaming themed radio station and most recently gaming news blogs. As Mike explains, “It is important to know is not simply a gaming auction site. It is a one-of-a-kind, unique, all-inclusive gaming community. Where else can you buy and sell games in an auction format, get to know your fellow members by interacting in forums and chat rooms and get all the news and latest gossip in the gaming industry all on the same website?” has the lofty goal of being the #1 online buy/sell destination for video games and right now it looks like it is well on its way to doing just that.

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