Capcom signs Unreal for Euro-developed title
Move follows adoption of Epic technology in Dark Void game
Capcom has announced that it has entered into a licensing agreement to use Epic's Unreal Engine 3.
This will be the second time since Capcom has licensed the engine after having used it to develop its upcoming sci-fi action game Dark Void.
"Unreal Engine 3 is a perfect fit for this project being developed in Europe, and is capable of ensuring a high-quality game experience. Not only does the development team have thorough knowledge of Unreal Engine 3, the general versatility of Unreal Engine 3 will fully meet the requirements particular to this project", said Keiji Inafune, managing corporate officer of Capcom.
"Unreal Engine 3 comes with a wide variety of functions required for next-generation game development, and it provides ease of use. On top of that, one of the major advantages is the well-established support system."
"We are delighted to enter into this license agreement, and have strong backup by Epic Games. With Unreal Engine 3, we can expect high development efficiency as well as high creativity within the development team," he added.