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Calling all adventurers!

On the evening of Friday 8th April, be prepared to help the Guild of Try and the Tryker elders with a very special task. It will be up to you; the Homins of Arispotle, Aniro and Leanon to save the day and win the gratitude of the Tryker leadership! Although this may look simple at first sight, it is rumoured that the recent sightings of the evil Desann and her nefarious twin servants may well complicate the situation. So gather one and all, Kami and Karavan, at Loria's rise in Fairhaven for a special evening of lore, history, revelations and surprises! Your aid is needed as never before in the constant struggle against the evil forces that threaten the fragile balance of Atys.

The fun starts at 8pm server time, and additionally at 8pm EST on Arispotle.

(8 pm MESZ on Leanon and Aniro, 8 pm BST and 8 pm EST on Arispotle)

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