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Brown will study new rules on violent videogames

On the heels of a recently announced Conservative Party mini-manifesto on violent videogames, UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown has outlined plans for a public review of violent and sexual imagery in videogames

On the heels of a recently announced Conservative Party mini-manifesto on violent videogames, UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown has outlined plans for a public review of violent and sexual imagery in games.

According to the Daily Mirror, Brown promised to look again at banning violent videogames.

"I know... that parents are concerned about whether children are too exposed to harmful violence and sexual imagery in video computer games and on the internet," said Brown, "so as we launch the court consultation on our children's plan we will be looking at all the evidence on the effects of this material, whether we need new rules for the advertising and sale of these products to children and young people."

Mr. Brown intends to put the plans to a "Citizens' Jury" this week, in which members of the public will have a direct influence on policymaking, airing their views and offering suggestions.

Another "Citizens' Jury" on crime and gang warfare will follow next week.

Mr. Brown said that "It will look at how we can empower people to work with police to tackle crime and antisocial behaviour."

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