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BioShock rocks German chart

The PC edition of BioShock has entered the German software chart at number one, with the Xbox 360 version also slipping into the top 10 at number six.

The PC edition of BioShock has entered the German software chart at number one, with the Xbox 360 version also slipping into the top 10 at number six, according to the latest information from Media-Control GfK International.

The 2K title managed to disrupt an otherwise Nintendo-centric chart, with DS and Wii titles taking up almost all of the other positions — prevented only by continued strong sales of the World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade expansion.

The full chart is as follows:

1. BioShock (PC)

2. Pokemon: Diamond (DS)

3. Dr Kawashima's More Brain Training (DS)

4. Dr Kawashima's Brain Training (DS)

5. Pokemon: Pearl (DS)

6. BioShock (X360)

7. Pony Friends (DS)

8. World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade (PC)

9. Wii Play (Wii)

10. Big Brain Academy (Wii)

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