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Tomb Raider: Legend free to play for a month during distribution platform's public beta test.


GDI today unveils the second game to feature in the Public Beta test of new, super-fast digital distribution platform AWOMO™ – Tomb Raider: Legend™ from Eidos™ – and demonstrates a download 11x the speed of conventional games download services, an improvement of double the speed of initial tests.

Windsor, UK, 11th February 2009: GDI Game Domain International Plc (GDI) today announced a second milestone in the Public Beta of its revolutionary games download platform AWOMO™ with the launch of Tomb Raider: Legend™ from Eidos™, originally released in 2006. The game will be free of charge to play via for a period of one month from today, for consumers to continue stress testing GDI’s new platform that allows PC games to be downloaded in minutes rather than hours.

The much anticipated Public Beta of the AWOMO digital delivery platform features new technology that delivers even the largest ‘AAA’ PC games in minutes rather than hours compared with ‘conventional’ download services, directly from a web browser. It enables consumers to start playing a game while it is downloading without interruption to the game play.

“Tomb Raider: Legend™ is the perfect title both to showcase our unique super-fast download technology, and continue our stress trials,” explained Roger Walkden, Chief Executive of GDI. “We have already proved in our first test that via AWOMO, players can be playing a game 5x faster than conventional download services. With Tomb Raider: Legend™, a 7.2GB game, we can demonstrate that players on an 8 Megabit line can be playing the game within 11 minutes, a staggering 11x the speed of competing services and twice as fast as our previous Beta test game.”

“We’re pleased to support the AWOMO Public Beta with Tomb Raider: Legend™,” added Simon Protheroe, Online Publishing Director of Eidos™. “We’re extremely impressed with the speed advantages of the platform and the overall quality of the consumer experience.”

Further information for both consumers and editors is available from


Tim Ponting

Communications Director

+44 (0) 1753 839 463

Rob Donald

Communications Manager

+44 (0) 1753 839 466

About Eidos:

Eidos, creator of some of the world's leading videogame properties, consists of several development studios including Crystal Dynamics, IO Interactive, Beautiful Game Studios and Eidos Montreal, plus sales and distribution offices in Europe and the US. The Group has a valuable portfolio of intellectual property including: Tomb Raider, Hitman, Deus Ex, Championship Manager and Just Cause.

Tomb Raider: Legend © Eidos Interactive Limited 2006. Lara Croft, Tomb Raider, Tomb Raider: Legend, Eidos, and the Eidos logo are trademarks of Eidos Interactive Limited.

About GDI:

GDI Game Domain International plc (GDI) was founded in 2006 and owns the exclusive rights to a proprietary technology that enables consumers to download full games directly from their Internet browser in minutes rather than hours using standard broadband connections by allowing the gamer to start playing when a fraction of the game data has been downloaded. GDI is developing its own service known as AWOMO™ and is supplying ‘white label’ games download services to third parties branded ‘Powered by AWOMO™’. For more information visit

© 2008 GDI Game Domain International plc. AWOMO and its associated logos are subject to trademark protection and are the property of GDI Game Domain International plc. All rights reserved. All other trademarks and trade names are the properties of their respective owners. For further information, please visit


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