ArchLord Crowns First World Leader!
Codemasters Online announces the crowning of the first ArchLord!
Monday, 3rd September (2pm GMT) - Codemasters Online is pleased to announce a new world leader has emerged as the first ever ArchLord is crowned!
For almost one year players have waged war across this popular FREE-to-PLAY MMORPG as thousands of players battled it out in one of the largest online battles ever seen to become the games first ever ruling ArchLord.
Ed Relf, Director of Marketing, Codemasters Online commented, "We are ecstatic to finally crown our very first all-ruling ArchLord! The crowning of the ArchLord marks another milestone in the games ongoing development as we look to continue to grow the game. Icecube, the games first all-ruling ArchLord will now rule for one month and we look forward to the challenge for the next ArchLord due to commence later next month."
Since moving to a 100% FREE MMORPG, ArchLord's popularity has exploded with the game service growing 500% in less than a week attracting over 500,000 online game downloads!
To download ArchLord the 100% FREE-TO-PLAY MMORPG visit the games official website
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