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"Mixed messages" over Half-Life 2 on Xbox

Comments made by Microsoft's David Hufford in an interview with American City Business Journals have cast doubts over whether Valve's Half-Life 2 will appear on Xbox after all, despite assurances last month that a version for the console is in development

SCi reports record turnover for first half

UK-based publisher SCi has announced its results for the first half of fiscal 2003, revealing record turnover of £7.3 million and significantly lower than expected losses - with a strong development schedule pointing to further growth.

Sony confirms RAM supplier for PS3

Another part of the PlayStation 3 jigsaw puzzle slotted into place today, as Sony announced a partnership with Elpida Memory to supply the Rambus-based memory technology for the console.

Nintendo cracks down on importers

Cease and desist orders have been issued to a number of independent retailers by Nintendo this week, demanding that they stop selling imported Nintendo titles and supply details of their suppliers.

Microsoft pledges to cut Xbox production costs

In a lengthy internal email, Microsoft chief executive Steve Ballmer has commented that the company has "aggressive plans" to reduce the cost of goods sold in its Xbox division as part of a broad cost management exercise.

Sony confirms repeat performance for PlayStation Experience

A consumer event showcasing forthcoming PlayStation titles will once again run alongside ECTS in London's Earls Court this year, with Sony promising that the event - which runs from August 28 to 31 - will be twice as large as last years.

Real Time Worlds hints at the future

The all-star cast of industry veterans behind new development studio Real Time Worlds have formally announced their new venture, and dropped broad hints about the nature of the next game from GTA creator Dave Jones in the process.

Sun launches major initiative with Game Technologies Group

The company behind the Java platform, Sun Microsystems, has announced plans to focus on the networked gaming sector - with the launch of a new Game Technologies Group within the company, headed up by Chris Melissinos as Chieft Gaming Officer.

Nintendo's Spaceworld on hiatus - again

Reports in the Japanese press are indicating Nintendo has opted not to hold a Spaceworld showcase event this year - making this the second year running that the event, previously an annual occurance, has been shelved.

<i></i> launches new industry services

It's the first anniversary of the launch of - and the world's number one trade news source is celebrating its birthday with the launch of two key new services for the interactive entertainment industry.

Atari confirms two new Matrix titles

A spokesman for Atari UK has denied that the company will release a new Matrix game to tie in with the launch of the third movie this Christmas, but stated that Shiny will develop new games based on the franchise for release at Christmas 2004 and in 2006.

US court rules against restrictions on violent games

The IDSA is celebrating a ruling by a federal appeals court in the USA which has overturned a Missouri law restricting the sale of violent games to minors, claiming that it is a key victory in its ongoing fight against censorship legislation.