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Features (Page 24)

Where did Knockout City go wrong?

Where did Knockout City go wrong?

Velan Studios' Guha Bala discusses the dodgeball multiplayer game's upcoming closure and his hopes for a sequel
Building a Myst-ery | Why I Love

Building a Myst-ery | Why I Love

Smart Technologies' Andy Cargile calls Cyan Worlds' seminal puzzle game "moody, magical, and filled to the brim with mysterious mechanisms..."
A promotional screen for the new Minesweeper with a "thinking" emoji in the corner of the screen

How do you monetize Minesweeper?

Microsoft's attempts to get money from the Windows puzzler are detailed in this excerpt from Kyle Orland's upcoming Boss Fight Books release
Bigmode's journey, from YouTubers to publishers

Bigmode's journey, from YouTubers to publishers

Co-founder Leah Gastrow on what the publishing label brings to the table, its natural progression from content creation, and the problem with placing others in rigid boxes
PlayStation VR 2 | Critical Consensus

PlayStation VR 2 | Critical Consensus

Reviewers were convinced by Sony's new cutting edge VR headset – and poster child Horizon Call of the Mountain – but it might not be enough to justify the costly investment
Screenshot of Alisia Dragoon with heroine shooting lightning at flying enemies and a dragon assisting her

Why I Love: Alisia Dragoon

Wanted: Dead publisher's Sergei Kolobashkin celebrates an underappreciated gem from Sega's 16-bit heyday
Game Changers | Professor Jim Huntley

Game Changers | Professor Jim Huntley

The USC Games educator and creator of the Gerald A. Lawson Endowment Fund says the games industry needs to put its money where its mouth is on DEI efforts