Alten8 Phone Games Live
For immediate release.
Friday the 28th April 2006
Alten8 is pleased to announce that Opals Quest , Eternitys
Child , and the replacement for Office Massacre , the
reworked Office Zombies , are now all live on various
networks across the globe. These games are also on sale also
through the ClickGamer.Com portal , and will be on numerous
other portals and carriers.
Alten8 is pleased with a string of distribution contracts
signed over the past few , and great interest shown by
various carriers world wide , with the existing line up of
mobile games , and its ever expanding pipeline of new phone
games. All new reworked versions of its older retro games
will also be going live over the coming week. Expanded in
terms of game play and functions , plus also phones covered.
Most games now cover hundreds of models of phones.
Interested parties should contact Alten8 directly , or
through selected distribution companies working with
About Alten8 Limited
Set up at the start of 2005, Alten8 Limited hopes to become a
new force in development , publishing , and distribution of
games and other content , across a range of formats. Both
licensing older titles under its retro-soft brand , and all
new titles and content under the Alten8 label . Alten8 hopes
to become the first port of call for new talent looking for a
more flexible way of working. With releases on many formats
throughout 2006 and beyond planned.