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Adobe drops Flash for mobile browsers, cuts 750 employees

Company restructuring, will focus on HTML5 and mobile applications

According to emails sent to Adobe partners, the company will no longer develop its Flash plug-in for mobile browsers. It also announced 750 job losses.

"Our future work with Flash on mobile devices will be focused on enabling Flash developers to package native apps with Adobe AIR for all the major app stores," read a forthcoming announcement revealed to ZDNet.

The reports have yet to be confirmed by Adobe.

"We will no longer adapt Flash Player for mobile devices to new browser, OS version or device configurations," it continues.

The company will instead focus on HTML5 and mobile applications.

"Some of our source code licensees may opt to continue working on and releasing their own implementations. We will continue to support the current Android and PlayBook configurations with critical bug fixes and security updates."

Yesterday the company also announced it was cutting 750 jobs across North America and Europe as part of a major restructure. It's not yet clear if this is related to the end of Flash mobile development, but the company will discuss the restructure at a financial meeting later today.

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Rachel Weber is the Managing Editor of, and regular contributor to
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