Teaser website launched for Deep Silver's new MMOG.
Deep Silver is announcing that the official teaser website for 7Million is going live today. Everyone interested can now enter and marvel at Paradise City, the city where everything happens. This is where players plan their next big heist, meet friends and indulge in the goings on of the city that never sleeps.
The website is now available at: http://www.7million.com/
Where you can find all the latest information on the game including a first look at some screenshots and a forum for interested users. Content will be added to at regular intervals to keep all daredevil tricksters and shrewd thieves up-to-date on their next big hustle.
About 7Million
7Million plays in a detailed 3D world in a modern setting with many parallels to the real world. Despite all this 7Million is not an exact reflection of the real world, to allow players enough room for imagination and development. 7Million will be a welcome change in MMO's, as it does not play in the typical fantasy or science-fiction genre. Players with only a small amount of time will get their bearings quickly without missing out on all the fun of the game and the interaction with loads of other players.
7Million is being developed by Team Vienna and produced by Cliffhanger Productions.
Paul Bartholomew ( p.bartholomew@kochmedia.com)
Pr Executive
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