4Story Online
New screens show off the game's "severe territory warfare".
Contents Description :
4Story reveals 9 new screenshots featuring a territory war (February 24th, 2010).
4Story, www.global.4story.com, a free-to-play hybrid MMORPG developed and published by Zemi Interactive Inc., revealed 9 new screenshots featuring its severe territory warfare. Regardless of gamers’ level or class, ones who belong to the kingdom of 4story’s continent can participate Territory Occupation battle which begins for 30 minutes from 21:00 (PST) everyday. 4Story is providing mmo fans with war access routes through their official face book ( http://www.facebook.com/pages/4Story-online-Official-Community/169296962857?ref=mf) for users’ convenience.
For more information : www.global.4story.com
Press Info: Dunder Kim
Business Development
E-mail: dunder@zemiinc.co.kr