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2022 In Review | Podcast

Latest episode available now, discusses some of the biggest stories and trends of the year

In our latest podcast, the team gathers around their mics to look back at some of the biggest stories and trends of the year.

Using a recent edition of This Week In Business as a jumping off point, we discuss whether 2022 was a weak year for new video games (as some folks believe) and how well the line-up compares to previous years.

We also discuss the biggest trends, such as the wave of potentially industry-changing M&A deals that rocked the business back in January.

You can listen via the player, download the episode here, or subscribe to our feed, available via Spotify, iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, Overcast, Player FM, TuneIn and other widely-used podcast platforms.

Title music composed by Thomas Marchant. Episode mastered by James Batchelor.

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